Lauren Walters

Lauren Walters, board chair of The Concord Consortium, which is devoted to technology that improves education, is a private venture and real estate investor in early stage new media, technology, and biotechnology companies. Walters, who lives in Sausalito, Calif., has been in private law practice, worked with Arthur D. Little Inc., and served as a professional staff member on the U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget. Walters holds degrees from Johns Hopkins University, the London School of Economics and Georgetown University Law School.


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The Banyan Project is built on the thinking and experience of 32 senior journalists, academics, Web developers, sociologists and researchers, business and financial strategists, and advocates for strengthening democracy brought together by Tom Stites. Members of this Board of Advisors are listed below; click on names to see bios.

Stites shaped Banyan's model as a fellow of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

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