Jeff Vander Clute

Jeff Vander Clute is a serial entrepreneur, a software engineer, and an architect of online social environments. Most recently he is co-founder of Sourcing the Way, which guides individuals, teams, and organizations along the journey of realizing purpose, passion, vision, and coherent strategies that arise from inner wisdom to serve those who seek to be a beneficial presence on the planet. In 1995 Jeff created the key software behind Tripod, a self-publishing platform that was also one of the first online social networks, giving a voice to over 33 million users worldwide and creating more than $500 million in shareholder value. Jeff has consulted to the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and sits on the boards of several new-media companies. His affiliations include Alliance for the Earth, Charter for Compassion International, Compassionate Action Network, DreamRider Productions, Evolutionary Leaders, Gaiafield Project, In Claritas, New Stories, and Pathways To Peace.


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The Banyan Project is built on the thinking and experience of 32 senior journalists, academics, Web developers, sociologists and researchers, business and financial strategists, and advocates for strengthening democracy brought together by Tom Stites. Members of this Board of Advisors are listed below; click on names to see bios.

Stites shaped Banyan's model as a fellow of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

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